Unfortunately, soundbites always substitute for facts and reason when it comes to human behavior. EVs are very polluting when we account for their full lifecycle. Mining and smelting lithium is very polluting and lithium is toxic when disposed of (it's very difficult to recycle, so most these days ends up in landfill). It's also very energy-intensive (e.g. polluting) to manufacture those batteries, as well as the EVs they power. And as most power is still derived from fossil fuels, we're simply moving the pollution from A to B, not reducing it by any meaningful amount. So all the fuss about EVs (cars, planes, trucks) is actually pointless from an environmental perspective.
We could, however, reduce global CO2 emissions by dramatically more than if we replaced every vehicle on the road with EVs. If we stopped making people commute to offices to perform white-collar jobs, it's estimated that the energy savings from getting cars off the road and closing down energy inefficient glass & steel office buildings would be 9 million barrels per day globally. That's nearly the entire output of Saudi Arabia. But we won't do that because Musk et al can't make money from sensible changes that would have immediate effect So instead we're looking in entirely the wrong direction and doing entirely the wrong things, as usual.