Unfortunately the economic argument that sits in the center of this article is hopelessly wrong and would, if followed, ironically blaze an even faster trail to tyranny. But economic illiteracy aside, the article does correctly point out that appeasement and inaction always emboldens the fascist, who comes back with redoubled force next time. The USA is incapable of dealing with even a squalid little incompetent infantile orange halfwit; it is utterly incapable of arresting its inevitable decline into fascist tyranny. Ineffectual Joe Biden and the always-confused Democratic Party are incapable of even recognizing the threat, never mind doing anything about it. And the craven Republican Party is too eager to inherit 74 million mindless gullible drones to cooperate in any form of meaningful punishment for all those among its own ranks who have aided and abetted the destruction of the last shreds of US democracy. Ipso facto, the USA is over and its end will arrive before the end of this decade. But don't worry - the police and military will be there to ensure our Great New Leader (whoever he is) has a well-armed Praetorian Guard to protect him and his many minions from harm.