Member-only story
Unicorns And Anti-Gravity Shoes
The wishful thinking is strong in this species, Luke.
It’s a normal Monday morning and you’ve just received a new email so of course you open it immediately because that’s what everyone does. The email is brief: it tells you that XXX stock will go up in value tomorrow. You shrug and get on with your day, quickly forgetting all about the odd email. Until Tuesday, when you receive another email. This is also brief: it points out that XXX stock did indeed rise as predicted, and the new tip is that ABC stock will go up tomorrow.
Again, you shrug and get on with your day. You’re not really sure how you got onto this email list but, what the heck, it’s harmless. When Wednesday rolls round and you open up the email reminding you that both XXX and ABC went up as predicted, you feel a tiny frisson of interest. But, hey, twice in a row is probably just dumb luck. Today the email tells you that ZZZ stock will go down.
Come Thursday, you’re actually slightly eager to receive the email. Sure enough, ZZZ went down as predicted. Three in a row is pretty impressive, so you’re curious to read what the email tells you about YYY stock: it will go up. And come Friday you’re actually excited to see that, wow! YYY went up exactly as predicted! So that’s four in a row, no way is that luck, whoever puts this email together…