We have known for a long time, and the research data keeps confirming, that a healthy diet plus plenty of daily physical and mental exercise is the real "secret" of living not merely longer (who wants to be a Struldbrug?) but increasing one's healthspan. But humans are simple animals and want simple miracle one-stop-shop curealls and so there will always be mindless babble from sensation-mongering journalists eager to grab monetizable eyeballs and suckers who think vacuous headlines are true. The only good news is that these ridiculous fads are extremely transient. Who today remembers the brief resveratol craze, for example, or the harmful Adkins diet? As the adage goes, "there's one born every minute and two around the corner to take him." The most gullible people of all are those who've been lucky enough to get rich - they think they're geniuses who've "hacked" the secrets of life, which makes them perfect dupes for every new fad that comes along.