We humans are a group species and so we're highly adapted to conform to whatever happen to be the norms of the groups with which we associate ourselves. Add to this the fact that we're also highly adapted to avoid thinking wherever possible (because for most of our evolutionary history calories were scarce and uncertain, and as thinking can consume up to 30% of blood glucose that would more likely be needed to power muscles for flight or foraging) and you get what we see around us all the time: people parroting some generic narrative while having zero comprehension of any underlying reality.
That just happens to describe the current situation with SARS-CoV2: rednecks believe it's simultaneously a hoax AND a Chinese bioweapon, while supposed progressives are convinced it's an existential threat to human existence. No one bothers to look at the data and come to rational conclusions. Even Medium censors articles that don't stick to the standard narrative ("we're all at risk unless we all wear masks, get vaccinations, and accept periodic lockdowns!"). It's most amusing on the so-called "progressive" side because they often chant "follow the science" while resolutely refusing to do so. At least on the right, they're explicit about not caring about science or anything else except mindless god-babble.