Well, first of all, all the guff about life extension is not well-founded. We are decades away from truly understanding how to achieve meaningful life extension. In a world where more people are obese than too thin, we are not choosing our targets well if we fixate on lifespan rather than healthspan. And for all the nonsense about replaceable organs, we’re decades away from being able to maintain adequate brain function. So swapping out an old liver for a new one, for example, just brings Swift’s Struldbruggs closer. As for uploading a person’s consciousness into a computer: that’s hilarious. We know zip about consciousness; indeed, we can’t even define the term adequately. The idea of treating the brain like a computer is a naive analogy; the kind of naive analogy we’ve seen too often throughout the last couple of hundred years. But the biggest issue of all is simple this: if we lived for a long time (let’s say, a few hundred years) we’d probably become profoundly depressed. We are a very stupid ape-species, we learn nothing from experience, and most people have zero interest in understanding the world around them — which keeps them locked into making the same basic errors over and over and over again. Being forced to watch endless repeats of stupid behavior would be enough to make any long-lived human with an ounce of intellect profoundly suicidal. Fortunately, despite all the absurd hype, we’re not even remotely close to making life extension a reality.