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What Is A “Peacekeeper?”
How the appeasement of Russia will continue
In the world of pure fantasy, a peacekeeping force is a third-party military group that stands between two or more murderously opposed groups in order to prevent the resurgence of former violence that, by some agreement or treaty, has temporarily been suspended. The idea, though not the reality, is that this third-party military group will protect civilians and provide the necessary conditions for the slow rebuilding of civic society.
In reality, so-called “peacekeeping” efforts almost invariably fail completely.
As the tired old pretense of a “peacekeeping” force is being raised once again, this time in the context of Ukraine, it’s worth understanding why failure is baked into the model so that we can be clear not only about its prospects for success but also about why such proposals are simply more blatant appeasement of unprovoked Russian imperial expansionist aggression.
And as Russian aggression in Ukraine comprises endless war crimes both against Ukrainian soldiers and, more often, against defenseless civilians, we ought to be clear-eyed about the consequences of handing Ukraine to Russian criminals despite the fact our own media prefers not to report such atrocities because it’s bad for ad revenues. Editors know Teddy and Jean-Franҫois don’t want…