What's really interesting is how little most medical practice has contributed to our increased life expectancy over the last 200 years. The two major contributions have been (a) basic hygiene, and (b) antibiotics. We should remember that doctors strenuously resisted the call to wash their hands before touching the next patient, feeling it was beneath their dignity to do so. And doctors have all but made antibiotics useless by handing them out like candy for viral infections, thus speeding the evolution of drug-resistant bacteria. Meanwhile doctors still induce labor prematurely which then leads, in the USA, to the world's highest C-section rate; doctors also routinely perform (totally unnecessary) episiotomies and circumcisions. Doctors still perform spinal fusion despite overwhelming evidence that it does more harm than good, and it's now estimated that doctors killed 70% of early SARS-CoV2 patients by inducing coma in order to intubate them rather than simply giving those patients a nasal O2 clip. When we add in electroshock therapy (for which there is practically no positive evidence) and lobotomy (for which there is a great deal of negative evidence) it's pretty clear that the Bones character in the sci-fi movie cited early in the article was perfectly correct in his assessment of contemporary medical practice.