When attempting to tackle a complex subject it is highly advisable to be careful in the use of language. Russia did not "find itself entangled" in Ukraine. Russia invaded its peaceful neighbor in order to install a puppet regime, because the Putin regime is a barren kleptocracy that has nothing to offer ordinary Russians. So as to disguise this, Putin looked to score another "glorious victory" as per the twin invasions of Ukraine in 2014. He believed he'd succeed because (i) the West is hopelessly spineless and therefore can be discounted, and (ii) he failed to grasp that his kleptocracy had created such pervasive corruption that his supposedly near-peer force was in fact a rusting hollow joke.
In other words, you can't use a passive phrasing like "found itself entangled" because Putin was the primary actor. You can say "why Russia chose to entangle itself in Ukraine" if you want to be more truthful.