While I would like to see every Russian in Ukrainian territory exterminated and Russia bombed back to the medieval period, the problem for Ukraine is that even a land-swap "peace" merely gives Russia time to regroup and re-arm. There is zero chance of the West permitting Ukraine to join NATO because NATO is a hollow shell without the USA and no one believes the USA will any longer be an effective contributor to NATO. So the idea that a brief "peace" will enable Ukraine to slide in under the former NATO umbrella is likely an illusion, while Russia's full-on war economy - even while hopelessly corrupt and inefficient - is not an illusion. For all the endless windy talk by Europeans about improving their abjectly pathetic military capabilities the reality is that nothing of substance has been done. Indeed, the Brits continue to slash defense spending in real terms, the Germans refuse to spend money because of legalistic budget ceiling caps, and everyone else is fast asleep at the wheel. I weep for Ukraine - our stupidity and complacency means even a Keystone Kops nation like Russia can win because we're incapable of grasping what is in our own best interests. Just like in the 1930s.