Why Fight When You’re Doomed To Lose?

The question our smart & stable “leaders” never bothered to ask themselves

Allan Milne Lees
9 min readApr 29, 2024
Image credit: The Guardian

It’s no secret that when Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness prevented Russian forces from overwhelming Ukraine during Putin’s third invasion of the country commencing 24th February 2022, Westerners of all stripes were astonished. The usual intelligence community over-estimations of Russian capability (despite the endless flaws shown in Putin’s 2008 invasion of Georgia), politicians’ empty-headed assumptions of Russian power, and the general public’s surprise at seeing a hitherto unknown country hold back the supposed might of a supposed neer-peer force resulted in a brief surge of support for “the plucky little underdog” as Ukraine quickly became portrayed by babbling journalists.

Politicians, eager as always to garner easy votes, did what politicians prefer to do in all circumstances: they generated the illusion of action while persistently refusing to do anything of importance. Sanctions were announced and babbling journalists proclaimed that sanctions would cripple Russia’s economy and the problem would (by magic, one presumes) be solved.

As sanctions have never at any time nor in any place prevented a belligerent from waging war, sanctions were obviously a non-event despite the eagerness with which…



Allan Milne Lees

Anyone who enjoys my articles here on Medium may be interested in my books Why Democracy Failed and The Praying Ape, both available from Amazon.