Why Getting Kinky Can Be A Good Thing

Allan Milne Lees
5 min readNov 15, 2019

The ties that bind are more psychological than physical

Image credit: TheEarth.com

First a disclaimer: I have never, and will never, watch any of the 50 Shades movies.

In an act of kindness The Economist magazine some years ago humorously published three sample paragraphs from the first 50 Shades novella and that was more than sufficient to alert me to the fact that as life is far too short to tolerate atrociously bad writing I shall consequently never waste a second on that tenth-rate garbage.

Nevertheless I understand from various sources that the 50 Shades phenomenon, which in France is termed Porno pour les mamans, has led to a significant number of people becoming interested in spicing up their sexual lives with a bit of kink.

But what is kink?

Is it tying the wrists of your partner with red satin cords before seducing her with a lengthy explanation of the connection between total money supply and its velocity of circulation?

Is it getting all worked up by looking at pictures of Carl Sagan?

Or is it being spanked and then ass-fucked while being told what a very naughty girl you are until you cum harder than you’ve ever cum before?

My personal definition of kink is very simple: kink is something someone else enjoys that you



Allan Milne Lees

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