Years ago I was in Latvia for business. I met an engaging Russian woman and over the course of a couple of weeks we got to know each other quite well. One morning she clearly had something on her mind, so I asked her to tell me what it was. “In the past,” she said, “I’ve had sex for money. It was the only way I could buy food.”
Clearly she’d told other men before me about her secret, and equally clearly she expected me to react adversely.
I leaned forward and held her hand. I told her I’d gone days without food in my own life and understood how terrible it is to fear starvation. And then I said, “I think sex work is a positive thing. It’s far more moral than being an investment banker, a politician, or an over-paid pop celebrity. I can’t understand why most people don’t see things in this way.”
I haven’t changed my opinion in the intervening years, except to add a few more dishonorable professions to the list alongside investment banker, etc.